Selected UX UI Works
Take a look at my selected works from UI/UX corner.
“Starting a new Interface is a strong attempt to emphatize with the needs of real people who are there for a solution to a problem or an answer to a question.”

Work samples
Dein Raum Web Site Relaunch

The relaunch of the website for the hot-desk software for companies which plan to optimise their space and time. This simple yet powerful software aims to use the available real estate capacity efficiently and give an overview of the real performance of the usage of individual working stations. The new web site is also kept […]
B&G Store Turkey

B&G Store Turkey’s new web shop design. I worked on that project during the first half of the pandemic shut down. The enormous amount of visitor flow to the page has created the need to optimize the UX for the users. The new design language that I’ve created had the challenge to preserving the highly […]
Artists Page –

The performance artist from Berlin is concentrating on actions and products of those actions that are being created during her performances or during sessions she is making on different events. I designed a suitable page which is leaving the scene almost fully to the works and let the action and philosophical approach to the women […]
Insurvison Website

The Insurvision project website project is a marketing tool for the insurvision team at Pial-consult. The page is the central communication tool for the marketing team to get the SEO leads and make the first contact with the possible clients. The target group is a younger generation people who work for Insurance agencies and responsible […]
Monde Feminine

A design for Kiosk app for a magazine. Designed for tablets. This project’s concept and design was for a Berliner software design company. A women’s magazine about fashion, art, literature, and popular culture. The task was to build a structure for a kiosk where you can buy single issues or even single articles. The app […]
Defacto Online Store

This is the design that I’ve made for the homepage. It consists of many new features that were improving the shopping experience like blog-like fashion pages, styling suggestions and stories about new trends from all over the different corners of the world. The cross selling function and shop the look function were also introduced […]
Messe Raum Website

Messe Raum is the application from the software house PiAL GmbH based in Hamburg. I designed the page staying consistent with the previous design guidelines of the similar software page Dein Raum. Both are hot-desking tools that are highly successful for more than 60 companies around Europe.
Geo Epoche

Redesign of the kiosk app for the monthly Geo Epoche Magazine. The customer provided the corporate material and the structure. Starting from the low fidelity mockup pages I created the layout of the different views. The most important points were to keep the Corporate ID consistent, the best readability in mobile devices, correct usage of […]