Miyazaki’s Ponyo and Kiki for my daughter.

July 2020, Color Pencil on Paper, Hamburg

That is a sketch for my daughter who wanted to have them in her room… She made her own drawings but she liked mine better.

    Horses of the Hippodrome of Constantinople NEW

    This is the sketch that I’ve made from a photography during a sketching session in Hamburg. I actually had no idea that those plastics were once in İstanbul, which was Constantinople at that time about 1200 after BC until the fourth Crusade when they were took to Western Europe, to Venice where they were put […]

    Outdoor drawings

    Here are some impressions of my nightly excursions through Hamburg since 2023. Whatever the reason behind this is a strange inspiration that I somehow like.

    Wilhelminian Architecture Reimagined: Corbels of Tornquiststraße

    Wilhelminian architecture continues to captivate with its intricate facades and elaborate ornamental details. Among its standout features are the corbels—small yet striking structural elements that lend character and charm to these historic buildings. In this piece, I’ve reinterpreted one of these fascinating corbels from the Tornquiststraße in Hamburg. It blends traditional architectural motifs with a […]

    Initial Training – Sync – Calibration

    Ok, just one more digital then a pencil paper business again with a body part; promised… This is actually an isolated color layer for a drawing/rendering of the previous male portrait, I think this has been, at some point, an independent painting and worth to have its own post 😉 Take your time, enjoy! 😉

    Sleeping 2

    This is the work in progress of the rendering study for sleeping under the light.

    Miyazaki’s Ponyo and Kiki for my daughter.

    That is a sketch for my daughter who wanted to have them in her room… She made her own drawings but she liked mine better.

    Sleeping under light

    Hands – Work in Progress

    This is a digital sketch for color pencils.

    Anatomic Drawings – Hands

    On the way to the town market

    This is the next page in the book.